Tag Archive for: Trading psychology


Do you still consider trading as a hobby?

6 important qualities of an intraday trader

6 important qualities of an intraday trader

It is not sufficient for successful intraday trading just to develop a trading system and start applying it in practice. In fact, it’s not all that simple. Professional traders constantly develop certain qualities for efficient use of trading methods under different market conditions. Beginner traders would hardly possess all necessary personal qualities. Successful trading envisages […]


3 ways to control your emotions in trading

Emotions can both help you and hurt you. This is especially true in respect of traders and how they cope with emotional aspects of trading. In our childhood and juvenility we develop certain reactions to our emotions and try to control them. We learn from our parents, teachers, peers and cult figures through observation and […]

Stop thinking about money if you want to make money in trading

Stop thinking about money if you want to make money in trading

It is obvious that the majority of people come into trading to make money, live in accordance with their preferences and choices and enjoy freedom, which it provides. The most frequent reason why people go in for trading is their wish to improve their well-being. There is nothing bad in it since this goal is […]

How not to lose more after a super-profitable trade

How not to lose more after a super-profitable trade?

It is not very difficult to execute a profitable trade in the Forex, futures or stock market. The chance of it equals 50%, which is quite favourable for a probability to make a profit. The really difficult part is to save the received profit. How many times after receiving a big profit did you lose […]

Strengthening discipline in trading. 10 rules

Strengthening discipline in trading. 10 rules

Do you know that the Best Private Investor of 2017 and at the same time Best Private Investor in the stock market was the trader under the DISCIPLINE nickname, who showed 204.3% of profitability (RUB 510,753.13 in absolute numbers)? Perhaps, he chose this nickname not by chance. Today we will speak about the importance of […]

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

We have covered quite a number of trading topics in our blog for the past several years. These were the articles of a wide spectrum encompassing both the advanced Footprint chart of the ATAS platform and exchange trading in general, and trading psychology and even the cryptocurrency market, which gains popularity. While preparing our articles, we […]