Investment Search

How to buy Apple stock and does it make sense to do it_

How to buy Apple stock and does it make sense to do it?

How to earn with minimal capital? Looking for an Investor

What prop trading is. Interviews with prop traders

What prop trading is. Interviews with prop traders

Prop trading, prop traders and prop trading companies in Russia – what are they and how do they work? In this article we will acquaint you with the prop trading concept. There are quite a lot of traders who make profit with 6 or 7 zeros a year started to trade in prop trading companies. […]

Do you want to find investors Basic things you should know_prev

Do you want to find investors? Basic things you should know.

Imagine that we deal with a reasonable trader who trades on positive territory. However, he cannot make decent income just because he does not have a sufficient trading capital. All his profits are disproportionate to his efforts and do not cover even vital requirements. What to do? To take a credit on property? Well, we […]